Wayne Layton
Dr. Wayne Layton is a seasoned pastor, founder of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, and a dedicated servant in various areas of ministry. As executive pastor, his commitment to the model of expository preaching has become a hallmark of his ministry that has resulted in the rebuilding of the body of Christ and a community dedicated to the timeless truths of the Reformed faith.
Andrew Alexson
Dr. Alexson is a dedicated educator, pastor and leader who has made a profound impact in the realms of education, leadership, and pastoral work. He serves as the associate pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, where his primary responsibilities include administration, education, leadership, teaching, and even demolition.
Gerald LaFleur
As one of the founding members of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Jerry LaFluer aided in establishing the church bylaws, Church Covenant, and Doctrinal Statement and was called to serve as an Elder, investing his time and wisdom in shepherding the congregation.
Blake Nelson
As a devoted husband, father of nine and elder at GRBC, Blake Nelson epitomizes a life committed to excellence, obedience and spiritual growth. He cherishes the opportunity to contribute to the weekly worship experience of his fellow congregants through hymns and songs of praise.